Tuesday 30 July 2013

Family Camp

Our musical staff (and creatively so)!
We had a couple cold nights, but nothing a campfire couldn't help!

Yummm spaghetti and utensil dinner!

Challenge: Eat dinner with a potato masher. Utensil Meals never fail for a good laugh!

We love being silly at camp

Some of our wonderful campers, CITs, and staff!

Camp life is pretty exhausting!

Halloween at Camp!

Sunday 21 July 2013

Jr Camp

Thank you to all of our Jr. campers for making the first week of the 2013 season absolutely amazing! 

We hope to see you all back next summer.


We have been unable to post throughout each camping session as previously intended due to technical difficulties. We apologize for any difficulties this may have caused.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Camp has Begun!

The Camp Lorrain season has officially begun!

Staff have been hard at work, some for over a week now, and camp is looking absolutely fantastic. Tuesday excitement was at a high as we welcomed our large group of CIT's who are already feeling at home. 

 We have had a few cloudy days, which gave a nice break from the shining sun and amazing heat! Plus, they provided some amazing sunsets!